The internet is one segment where if any right or wrong content goes in never comes out but stays there forever. The only strategy to outrank the negative contents in Google is to suppress it and bury it in the last pages of Google search engines.
Sometimes even with well-optimized primary online presence, it is not sufficient to contain something from the first page of search engines. It purely depends on how high the negative contents are showing up and how credible it is so you need to post many high-ranking contents to suppress it from the first pages of search results.
How to quickly outrank negative contents in Google is the job of professional online reputation management firms who are specialized in it.
These firms have the capability to rectify the most damaging crisis being faced by businesses. Some of the strategies they use to outrank negative contents in Google are as follows.
- They will create excellent profiles in all the leading social media sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and so on, post positive identifying information’s about your company, product, and service, and ensure that the privacy setting as public viewed.
- They will reply to all the comments on social media posts, news articles, and forums and convert it to your advantage by posting intelligent, error free and well-reasoned information. To personalize it, they will post the reply in the responsible person’s name of your company so that the customer feels a personal bonding and gets the feeling that the content is genuine.
- They will also help you to link all the social media sites with each other so that the ranking in search engines go up consistently. Since the experts from these companies engage, with the customers, they get linked to the contents and read it and convert to sales and the ranking goes up.
- They will prepare press releases and distribute it to PR sites and Google gives high credibility to comments coming from these sites. Posting comments on articles from these sites is an effective way to get high rankings. You can also link your website to these press releases so that users get more positive information about you.