For any business or individual managing their online reputation is the most important factor to survive in the digital world.
Online reputation management is all about minimizing the effect of harmful contents and projecting positive reviews and testimonials to suppress the negativity and rank high in search engines.
Reputation management can be done on your own if the damage due to negative contents is minimal. To be successful online, you should know the inside out of the internet and the functions of various platforms.
Since online reputation management is a complicated and ongoing process you cannot do it once and then leave it; you have to keep on doing it as long as you are in the business. If the damage is severe, it is always better to hire a professional online reputation management firm.
If you are doing the reputation management yourself, then the most important step is to improve your customer service and make it your top priority.
When you come face to face with a choice of selling a new product or dealing with a negative review or making a disgruntled customer happy, then the first choice should be to deal with the negative reviews.
If a client has an issue minor or major, then understand the problem, give personalized service, and address his grievances in a proactive manner.
When you interact with a customer, it should be done purely on an official basis like regular business to customer talk even if it is done privately. The more time you take to respond to a client angrier they will become, and they will vent their anger all over the internet so respond to a customer as soon as you see a comment from them.
When you implement online reputation management strategy, honesty and transparency plays an important role. When a client complains, and you are at fault, then own up, make it right, and if it is any other problem then study it and make it right for the customer.
Use tools to monitor social media platforms, blogs and review sites to understand your customers buying behavior.